Monday, March 09, 2009

Irreparable injury. Irreparable injury is not presumed in a trade secret case, where the owner of a trade secret is not alleging that the party that has wrongful possession of such a secret is planning on disseminating the secret to a wider audience. In Faivelely Transport Malmo AB v. Wabtec Corp., the Second Circuit reversed the grant of a preliminary injunction.

Judge Cabranes had a fun time with this decision, which involved subway breaks. Read on:

"To the parties in this case, subway breaks are known as "Brake Friction Cylinder Tread Break Units" ("BFC TBU"). For the rest of us, BFC TBU are "that loud squeaking, sparking braking system that so reliably stops the New York City Transit subway system. Twenty-four hours a day and 365 days a year, the City's subway cars safely stop at 468 passenger stations -- and as any straphanger knows, many times in between -- depositing riders of all classes and descriptions at homes, workplaces, ballparks and every other destination imaginable.

"The subway is an indelible feature of the City's culture. Its legend and lore fascinate locals and visitors alike. A point of personal pride for many New Yorkers, the City's subterranean transit has appeared in song, on stage and screen."

The decision quotes from the song "New York, New York" and the novel Bonfire of the Vanities. All subway buffs owe a debt of gratitude to Judge Cabarnes.

The decision can be found here.

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